Interior designers work with clients to plan, organise and manage the aesthetics of an indoor space, such as homes, offices and retail premises. Their services vary greatly, but usually include assisting clients with the creative, logistical and technical aspects of an interior environment. 

If you’re running an interior design business, we’d recommend getting in place a strong set of Interior Design Terms & Conditions to ensure that your business is protected.

Why Do I Need Terms And Conditions As An Interior Designer?

As with all service providers, terms and conditions are always a good idea for interior designers (and can prove to be invaluable in the event of a dispute) because they:

  • Help manage the client’s expectations. Terms and conditions clearly set out what services the interior designer will be providing, when they’ll be delivered, and for how much money. This avoids disputes arising in the future as a result of miscommunication. 
  • Account for scenarios that the interior designer or client may not have otherwise considered. For example, what happens if the project takes longer than the expected project period? What if the client is not happy with the standard of services provided? Or what if a pandemic occurs and the interior designer can’t fulfil their contractual obligations as their supplier is no longer operating? Terms and conditions are designed to leave as little open to uncertainty as possible, and protect both the interior designer and the client from losing out. 
  • Limit the interior designer’s liability. Terms and conditions usually state exactly how much the service provider can be sued for in the event that something goes wrong in the provision of their services. It’s important to strike a balance to ensure that it is fair to the client, so a service provider might limit their liability to the total amount of fees paid by the client in the last six months. Although there are protections under the Australian Consumer Laws that a service provider must adhere to despite what is agreed between the parties, terms and conditions can help limit your liability for problems that may arise. 

What Do Interior Design Terms And Conditions Cover? 

The clauses in Interior Design Terms and Conditions will vary for each interior designer depending on the specific services provided and who the business operates.

However, the document would generally include clauses relating to: 

  • Payment and late payment
  • Scope of services
  • Damage to property
  • Liability protections
  • Intellectual property ownership
  • Confidentiality
  • Term and termination

Need Help?

Having a lawyer draft your Interior Design Terms and Conditions will ensure that you’re protected legally and have everything covered in the event something goes wrong. 

At Sprintlaw, we focus on drafting comprehensive, easy-to-understand and user friendly agreements for interior designers. 

Feel free to get in touch with us to get things started on your Interior Design Terms & Conditions! Our friendly team can be reached at 1800 730 617 or at

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