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Antler logo featuring the brand name in uppercase lettersZoomo logo with bold, stylized text and a square icon on the left.Mr Black Cold Brew Coffee logo with a minimalist black design.eToro logo featuring the brand name 'eToro' in lowercase letters with stylized bull hornsLinktree logo featuring the text 'Linktree' in a modern, sans-serif fontAbove the clouds logo black and whiteThe word "Brighte" in bold lettersThe "Fit for Footy" logo features bold text inside a football shape.The logo for "GoVisually" features a framed image icon followed by bold textA logo for ""A logo with stylized text.A square logo with the text "In Ro" insideA logo for pop business with a circular design in the "o."A logo with the letters "spc" written in lowercase inside an oval shape.A logo with the word "sprout" written in lowercase, alongside a geometric icon on the left.A logo with the text "T-shirt Ventures" written in a bold, stylized font.A logo with the words "THE COMMONS" written in a bold, uppercase font.Antler logo featuring the brand name in uppercase lettersZoomo logo with bold, stylized text and a square icon on the left.Mr Black Cold Brew Coffee logo with a minimalist black design.eToro logo featuring the brand name 'eToro' in lowercase letters with stylized bull hornsLinktree logo featuring the text 'Linktree' in a modern, sans-serif fontAbove the clouds logo black and whiteThe word "Brighte" in bold lettersThe "Fit for Footy" logo features bold text inside a football shape.The logo for "GoVisually" features a framed image icon followed by bold textA logo for ""A logo with stylized text.A square logo with the text "In Ro" insideA logo for pop business with a circular design in the "o."A logo with the letters "spc" written in lowercase inside an oval shape.A logo with the word "sprout" written in lowercase, alongside a geometric icon on the left.A logo with the text "T-shirt Ventures" written in a bold, stylized font.A logo with the words "THE COMMONS" written in a bold, uppercase font.

We’ve helped over 60,000 Australian businesses

From tech startups in Sydney to restaurants in Alice Springs, we consistently deliver a 5 star service.


Unsure about how we work? We have gathered the most frequently asked questions and have answered them here for your convenience.


Yes, Sprintlaw is a law firm. Specifically, we are an Incorporated Legal Practice registered with the Law Society of New South Wales.

Our legal team is made up of experienced lawyers, who are specialists in various areas of law and hold an Australian legal practising certificate. They have all trained at leading Australian firms, but have left the traditional corporate law world to join us on our mission to create a new and better way of delivering legal services. Our team has specialist expertise in technology law, intellectual property law, contract drafting and review, corporate law and commercial law.

Yes, we have a head office based in Sydney, and spaces in Melbourne and London, but our use of technology allows our team members to work remotely from around Australia. Our lawyers are mostly based in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.

We’ve serviced clients from all around Australia. Through Sprintlaw UK, we also help clients in England and Wales.

We can also service some overseas clients on their Australian or UK operations. So, if you’re thinking of expanding your business, our experienced team will set you up with the legal foundations you need.

As our lawyers are only able to give advice in relation to Australian, English and New Zealand law issues in the areas we have expertise. We generally can’t advise on projects to the extent they involve the laws of other countries.

At Sprintlaw our focus is on providing commercial legal services for businesses. We specialise in helping small businesses and startups get off the ground and continue operating without having to stress about any unexpected legal obstacles. Our lawyers specialise in technology, intellectual property, contract drafting, corporate and commercial law.

We do not do disputes or litigation, debt collection, or personal legal matters (such as wills, estates, personal injury or conveyancing).

Just click the ‘get started’ button on our website and submit an enquiry. After you’ve submitted an enquiry, one of our legal consultants will review your enquiry within 1 business day and get in touch to get a better idea of exactly what you are looking for.

Then your legal consultant will send through an email with a bit more information about the services you need, along with a fixed-fee quote setting out costs, scope of the service and timing. Have a read through it, and if you’re happy with the scope, you can accept and sign our engagement letter online – easy!

Once you’ve formally accepted, we’ll connect you with a specialist lawyer and they will work with you to complete your project. They will contact you by email or phone if they need to get in touch.


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