If you provide training services, including courses, workshops, or tutoring, it’s a good idea to have a Training Agreement in place. A Training Agreement sets out the details of the training that you’re providing as well as the terms on which it will be provided.

Training Agreements can cover a range of activities, including professional development courses, sports training, creative workshops or educational tutoring. Regardless of the type of training being provided, your clients will often have an idea of what they expect to learn or obtain from your training service before it begins. To avoid confusion, misunderstandings or disputes, it’s important to have clear terms in place.

Why Do I Need A Training Agreement?

A Training Agreement ensures your clients will know what to expect from your training services, from the get-go. The anticipated outcome or result of training services can be less certain than the provision of more traditional or tangible services, so it is important to address these expectations before you commence training. A Training Agreement will inform your clients’ expectations of the course and will also protect your course content and regulate your liability as the course service provider. 

Even in an offline setting, it is difficult to ensure that your training material and content is used in the ways in which you have intended. There is a risk that your intellectual property may be re-appropriated or republished without your consent and misused against your advice. If you provide your training services online you should have a look at our Online Course Agreement.

To protect intellectual property and regulate liability, training service providers should have a clear Training Agreement with every client participating in the training. This will set out how the training material and content should be used and also states that the training service provider retains the intellectual property rights in the content.

What’s Included?

As well as protecting IP and liability, Training Agreements also set out more practical and logistical details that are important to clarify before clients participate in training services, including:

  • Payment and late payment
  • Scope of services
  • Liability protections
  • Intellectual property ownership
  • Confidentiality
  • Term and termination

If you collect clients’ personal information as part of course registration, it’s also a good idea to have a Privacy Policy in place. Our Privacy Policies are consistent with the Australian Privacy Principles and discloses how your business handles your clients’ personal information.

Need Help?

Whether you’re only just thinking about starting a training service or already have an established training course, we’d be more than happy to draft a Training Agreement to protect you and your business.

We will draft the agreement so that it is specific enough to suit your unique business needs but also flexible enough to make sure you can reuse the agreement with each client you work with. We focus on simple drafting so that the agreement is easy for both you and your clients to understand!

Feel free to get in touch either at team@sprintlaw.com.au or at 1800 730 617 for a free, noobligation chat.

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